Monday, Mar 17, 2025

Baby Feeding Guide for First Year

When it comes to baby feeding or anything related to baby care, we, parents, don't settle for less. We always want our babies to be full, hunger-free, and healthy. Though it’s said that there is no such thing as overfeeding a baby, there is indeed a thin line between underfeeding and overfeeding your child. Food that makes your baby healthier, stronger and happier is something to fuss about and let nobody tell you otherwise.
Nevertheless, quantity, what to feed as well as when to feed should be treated with the utmost importance, too. This is why we have charted out a wise baby feeding guide, which you can follow till your baby turns one.

That said, remember to follow your instinct when it comes to feeding your child, not to mention, follow a routine to ensure that your child never goes hungry.

#babyfeeding, #babyfeedingguide

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