Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025

9 Common Foods You Should Never Give a Baby (Whether Baby Led Weaning or Not)

In this video you'll learn about 9 common foods that should never be given to babies. Quite often these unassuming foods in our pantry or fridge look like perfect foods and drinks to give our little ones, but many come with risks that you should be aware of.

These 9 foods should all be avoided, regardless of the method you're using to introduce solid foods to your baby. Whether that's baby led weaning (BLW) or any other method.

Some of these foods are just unhealthy, while some can make babies sick and cause other health problems. This is why it's important to be aware of them.

In the video you'll learn what each of these foods are and why it's recommended to avoid them. As always, my goal is to help inform and educate parents to empower them to make the best decisions for them and their babies.

I hope you enjoy this one!

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#emmahubbard #babydevelopment #babyleadweaning

00:00 - 00:47 : 1st Food to Avoid
00:48 - 01:11 : 2nd Food to Avoid
01:12 - 02:11 : 3rd Food to Avoid
02:12 - 02:41 : 4th Food to Avoid
02:42 - 02:49 : 5th Food to Avoid
02:50 - 03:23 : 6th Food to Avoid
03:24 - 04:11 : 7th Food to Avoid
04:12 - 04:31 : 8th Food to Avoid
04:32 - 06:25 : 9th Food to Avoid

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If you have any questions or concerns about the health of your child, yourself or a family member, always seek guidance from your doctor or a qualified health professional. The content on this channel does not substitute, supersede or replace the advice of a medical professional. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you have seen on this channel.

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